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Basis of the Establishment

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감사와 기억의 공간, 평화와 희망을 꿈꾸는 공간 UN평화기념관

The country of South Korea has managed to overcome the pain and ruin of war and go on to achieve the development we see today, and the basis of this achievement was the noble sacrifice of UN veterans. The gratitude toward war veterans who sacrificed many valuable things to protect an unfamiliar country should be bigger along with the development of Korea.

However, while 70 years have passed since the outbreak of the Korean War, the painful memory of the War is now being forgotten. And sometimes, the Korean War is no more than a piecemeal moment in history simply covered in textbooks.

The United Nations Peace Memorial was established to provide an educational place imprinting the sufferings of the War and the responsibility of a ceasefire agreement in the heart of young generations who have never experienced war, and a thankful space where we can deliver the sacrifices of war veterans. Accordingly, the Memorial plans to pursue various memorial businesses, including data collection, investigation, exhibits, and commemorative events to honor the UN Forces and allied nations. Furthermore, we are aiming to play a pivotal role in activities such as educational and cultural events that can pass on and further build upon the sacrifices that have been made for the sake of peace and the will to maintain that peace, thus becoming a memorial that is endlessly working and researching to achieve long-lasting peace..

Also, the United Nations Peace Memorial intends to become an international spot symbolizing global peace along with the one-and-only UN Memorial Cemetery and UN Peace and Culture Special Zone. This Memorial will be the closest gateway which enables our young generations to be equipped with competitive edges beyond the border and to stick to the UN’s resolution for keeping global peace.

We ask for your kind interest and support for the United Nations Peace Memorial to become a place for gratitude and memory, and dreaming of peace and hope, together with Busan City.