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UNPM Choir

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유엔평화기념관 유엔평화기념관합창단  소개합니다.

By providing a venue for cultural and artistic creative activities, the UN Peace Memorial Choir aims to use communication and exchange to support people in need and the underprivileged and spread the culture of volunteering and donation.

The UN Peace Memorial Choir aims to encourage and support the societal participation of cultural artists in cultural and artistic activities on an individual level by promoting the development and expansion of local culture and arts while honoring the noble sacrifices of the UN forces and conveying the message of “peace and freedom” through music.

* Providing support through cultural and artistic events targeting marginalized people and people in difficult economic circumstances

* Planning and carrying out projects related to culture and arts education for the underprivileged and the development of professional organizations

┃Tel┃ Business Cooperation Team (051-901-1407)

유엔평화기념관합창단   사진

유엔평화기념관합창단   사진