유엔평화기념관 What’s Here

UN Peace Room

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UN국제평화실 메인 사진

Aerial view

Beginning and present state of the United Nations

Meaning of the UN symbol

Land mines and residual ammunition that threaten survival

A broken future: The truth behind child soldiers

Power for peace, change, and future

Areas of UN’s comprehensive activities

Peacekeeping activities of Korea

Established after the 2nd World War in 1945, the UN secured its ground starting from the Korean War and was officially launched on October 24th, 1945, making a contribution to global peace by performing missions like peacekeeping, disarmament, international cooperation, etc. In the UN International Peace Room, visitors can meet the activities of the United Nations and UN peacekeepers to address many challenges threatening humanity’s peace and safety and to understand UN through the history and goal of UN. The development and activities of Korea which emerged as one of the leading countries in the world with global citizenship from the poorest recipient country, emphasizes the importance of the current and future generations who will lead a sustainable future with the peace that was protected by the help of UN participating countries.

Main point of the exhibit

  • The beginning of the UN and changes in the world
    We can see the history of the UN which brought about changes in the world, including peaceful activities after the establishment of the United Nations.
  • Everyday UN
    Through mapping videos, we can see the aspects of the UN, which is engaging in large-scale, comprehensive peaceful activity.
  • The world stills
    This vividly shows the reality of child soldiers and the suffering of children, who were the biggest victims of the weapon massacres, refugees, and violence across the world.
  • People who build peace
    We can see the activities of UN peacekeepers.
  • Tree of Hope
    This is a place where visitors can participate in leaving hopeful messages to the world.

White Phosphorous-M825A1 155mm Replication

This is a bomb for ignition. When being used as a chemical weapon, White Phosphorous can be the worst weapon, burning people’s skin; therefore, it is known to be one of the most-used war weapons in troubled areas.

Rifle-AK47 Replication 5.8×11.2

This is a weapon that was distributed to encourage child soldiers to participate in the war. Products that were mostly distributed were rifles, knives, grenades, etc.

Korean UN peacekeepers In the 2000s | 21.5×24.5

This was used at a time when the former professor Park Soon-hyang at Korea National Defense University (rank: Major, reserve) engaged in peacekeeping activities, who was dispatched as a Korean UN peacekeeper and the appreciation plaque granted later. This is a blue beret symbolizing UN peacekeepers, as well as an ID card, patch, etc. Donated by Professor Park Soon-hyang of the International Peace Activity Center of Korea National Defense University.

Dag Hammarskjöld Medal Modern times | 7×5.5×3.5

This medal was named after Dag Hammarskjöld who served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations. This medal is awarded to military personnel, police, or civilians who lose their lives while serving in peacekeeping operations in the UN.

Relief packages of UNHCR

Refugees mostly occur as a result of violent conflict, so the United Nations provides relief packages to the refugees for their survival. Relief packages and refugee ID cards are displayed together.