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유엔평화기념관 유피케릭터 사진


Date of Birth : 2014.11.11
Favorite Food : Cereal (“See real” - to see the global challenges realistically)
Favorite Song : Heartbreaking Miari Hill, background music of silent tribute to fallen patriot heroes
Things that I dislike: Being called a fallen hero. In modern words, it is asking to be called a fairy.
Hobbies : Sprouting and semination of various seeds
Duty :Operating YouTube Channel Yoo Pyeong-gi TV (unpm tv)

U.P. was born with the virtuous energy of the soul of fallen heroes and patriotic martyrs. He lived in a different dimension of the world. U.P. was heading toward the Seoul National Cemetery on Earth when he ended up coming to the UN Peace Memorial Hall in Busan because of an error in the wormhole. PIKI was taking a nap in the exhibition room. U.P. pestered PIKI to help him return home, but he eventually became impressed by PIKI's pride and decided to bud the seeds of peace around the world. Whenever U.P. encounters disputes and conflicts that disrupt peace, he solves the situation by using magic with the laurel wand received from an old lady's soul. "UPP! UP! UPPPPP Surprise!" U.P. recently realized that the laurel wand is not enough to bring about true peace and made up his mind to start 'acting for peace. He tries to see problems from diverse perspectives by looking at issues with the eyes attached to a hat he received as a gift from Dulgi.

유엔평화기념관 유피케릭터 사진


Date of Birth : 2014.11.11
Favorite Food : Hunger crops (Dulgi’s dislike food)
Favorite Song :Be Strong, Geum-soon!
Things that I dislike: Wearing plain clothes
Hobbies : Taking naps under the Hope Tree of the UN International Peace Hall
Duty :Operating YouTube Channel Yoo Pyeong-gi TV

PIKI has self-respect as a UN peacekeeping force. In fact, PIKI has come to the United Nations Peace Memorial Hall to learn about UN peacekeeping forces’ noble sacrifices and devotion after realizing that the UN peacekeeping forces were born of the UN forces from the 22 UN Allied Nations in the Korean War.

However, PIKI has lived and stayed in the Memorial Halls behind the director’s back while satisfying himself with a life depicting a peaceful future with children, and listening to the old histories by meeting with UN veterans, who have now become old soldiers.

In fact, although no one knows it, PIKI has a hidden power. A Dulgi(pigeon) always sits on PIKI’s beret. The Dulgi enables PIKI to transcend time and space and to have conversations with the fallen heroes of history. So every night, PIKI, along with the Dulgi, have conversed with UN veterans at the Hall and gone back to the time of the Korean War. PIKI has delivered their stories to visitors who visit the Memorial Hall based on this precious experience.

PIKI also engraves the missions of the UN peacekeeping forces in his heart while concerning himself with outbreaks of violence across the world, and sincerely hopes that everyone embraces peace. So, going forward, PIKI will commit to maintaining global peace and serving as a bridge that connects the past, present, and future.